WIP Wednesday: 1 Feb 2023

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This week’s edi­tion of WIP Wednes­day is com­ing to you live from Brus­sels, Bel­gium — home of the world’s best waf­fles, beer, and open-source soft­ware devel­op­ers! It’s FOSDEM week, so many devel­op­ers from around the world are gath­er­ing in Brus­sels to join var­i­ous hackathons, con­fer­ence ses­sions, and of course, FreeCAD Day 2023.

Here’s what devs tell me they are work­ing on this week:

  • FreeCAD Day 2023 is this Fri­day in Brus­sels: many of us are meet­ing up that day to dis­cuss var­i­ous ongo­ing devel­op­ments in FreeCAD, “Unconference”-style. Expect sev­er­al blog posts cov­er­ing the goings-on.
  • I (@chennes) am begin­ning work on the serv­er-side scripts for the Addon Man­ager’s new remote caching strat­e­gy, aim­ing to reduce data and pow­er con­sump­tion, and pro­vide “Last Updat­ed” infor­ma­tion for addons.
  • @0penBrain is look­ing into a bug in the unit tests for the Path work­bench when com­piled with GCC on Ubun­tu 20.04 LTS.
  • @wandererfan is inves­ti­gat­ing a report of hatch anom­alies and is con­tin­u­ing cos­met­ic geometry/view coor­di­nate changes.

PR stats: In the week from Mon­day, 23 Jan to Mon­day, 30 Jan there were 46 pull requests sub­mit­ted and 33 merged, with a total code­base change of +4,745 / ‑4,429 lines (not count­ing trans­la­tion changes). That’s an aver­age merged PR size of +144 / ‑134.

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